Bytecode And Opcode
Bytecode is an intermediate-level bytecode generated when you compile high-level languages like Solidity. In Ethereum, it represents the compiled form of smart contracts. It consists of a series of hexadecimal values encoding instructions, including opcodes, data, memory addressing, and stack manipulation commands. Bytecode is what gets deployed to the Ethereum blockchain, where the EVM can execute it.
Opcode (instruction/operation code): is a specific instruction within the bytecode. Each opcode represents a fundamental operation that the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) can execute. Examples include ADD for addition and SSTORE for storing data. Opcodes are the basic building blocks of the instructions within bytecode, providing the EVM with commands to execute the smart contract’s logic.
Bytecode is the entire compiled smart contract, while opcodes are individual instructions within it. Bytecode encompasses more than just opcodes and specifies the complete functionality of the smart contract.